Part Time Online Mobile/PC Jobs For Students From Home Without Investment (Free Registration)
Do you know? I was also struggled and tired of searching a real/geniue and really money making online jobs for students without investment like you on the internet!
I was searching – how people are making money online using internet. I was struggling and thinking, that, what are the real , actual and best way to make money online parallel to our study.
Like you, I was ready to work hard. I loved to work in smartphone and my pc. But, I did not found any perfect part time online jobs for students, which also do not effect our study.
Congratulations, that from now, after reading this article, you never need to be tired while searching for a best part time online jobs for students without investment. Because, I have listed all the ways, that I have learnt from internet world, using which, really we can earn money online. I struggled, but, now you never. This article is a suprise for you. Read to know best online jobs for students with free registration and investment now.
I have skipped all method of online jobs for students from home, from where we can earn only few money and which has a bad effect on our studies.
List of Best Part Time Online Jobs For Students From Home Without Investment
Without wasting your time by reading useless Speech, I want to focus you the real and best methods below. I elaborate all the best part time online jobs for college and all types of students below.
1. Start Your Money Making Blog
This is the No. 1 method which is a part time online jobs for students with and without investment. Blogging is completely independent and the best part time online job for students according to us.
I trust one line – It is Easy to earn huge money from internet in short time using tricks, But, It is very hard to earn it constantly for long terms. I always aim at this line, and bloging is only the best and No. 1 method as a part time online jobs for students which can give us constant income.
From Blogging as a part time jobs for students, we can earn in many different ways such as Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, Backlink Selling, Guest Posts etc. For this, you just need a simple blog.
Blog means a simple personal website where you have to post your favourite Article on any topic which you want. A blog or website can be created by purchasing domain and hosting. But, You can also create it absolutely free and easily in few platforms such as blogger , etc. Learn How to create a Blogger & WordPress Website / Blog for free.
Once, Your article will be rank on Google, you will start getting traffic without any struggle. And then, your income journey will start. There are infinite number of ways to earn from it. So, it is called a real business of 20th century. Blogging is No. 1 and the best part time online jobs for students according to me, and I succeeded in this field and still earning.
N.B. Keep in mind that, blogging can never make anyone rich in only few days or weeks. But, If you learn and implement, it can make you the richest. Remember, spend at least 2 months just to learn about it by experimenting, how actually it works, and then think about earning. It can really make anyone rich.
Sample of an ideal blog posts look like: high paying salaried course after 12th science
2. Start YouTube Channel
This is my second suggestion to you as a part time online jobs for students from home or hostels.
You can also show your hidden arts through it. And you can light up your dreams through it along with a constant monthly revenue income. This will not effect on your study also. Public will also start to know you gradually. You may also become a very popular youtuber.
Maximum of us know about all systems of YouTube channel and it’s earning power. If you can work with patients, if you can work constantly from beginning – I can GURRANTED that you can be successful in this field. Both, money and popularity will start to come to you. So, why are you waiting, start a youtube channel as per your favourite niche and start working on it as a part time online job for students from home.
Proofs are in front of you – carry minati, vv k vines etc are earning Lakhs of Rupees per month easily along with popularity. But, We did not know them just before few years when we did not have smartphone, right?
3. Become Online Tutor or Teacher
Number Third Suggestion to You my dear students and friends as a best part time online jobs for students from home. If you believe yourself and feel interesting, that you can guide to understand contents from book, you may become a part time online tutor or teacher. This can also provide you a constant revenue.
There are many platforms available in the internet, where you can join as a online teacher and can teach online. This can help you in two different ways – repeat Practical Practice of your own study and monthly earning.
N.B. Do not run after money first. Run after your work quality, money will start running to you. Do quality work, time doesn’t matter, my best wishes is that, you will be success in any way.
You can also start online coaching class to become a online teacher to earn money online. This may become a great opportunity for you for lifetime, which is completely independent and Free from all.
4. Create Your Course And Sell Online
I know, you are very smart in at least one field. Because, Every single person in the world is smart in at least one field and know everything about the field. The field may be any art, drawing, playing, online games, pc operator, driving, cooking, designing, writing, reading, speaking, translating to other languages or anything….
Just search for the best field, in which you are smart, ask yourself to know it. And obviously, you may want to teach it to others. So, just create a audio visual, or video , or PDF course for it and start selling it online. My suggestion- Create PDF course.
You can sell your course at many available online platforms such as Amazon Kindle, Udemy, unacademy, through us etc. When people start knowing about your course, you will start getting revenue without any more struggle. So, it is also one of the best part time online jobs for students from home with free registration.
5. Write Post/Article Online & Earn
I know, You were searching about this right? I know, maximum of us want to write or type words and earn money online as a part time online jobs for student from home.
You may listen about many typing or writing and earn methods before reading this post. You may listen about many data entry jobs for students from home just before reading this post.
Real news is that, these are true , but these can not make you rich, even a little. Because, from these Online part time jobs, you cannt make money much, but, here I am going to introduce the best ever typing and earn method, which you may not listen before.
Yes, ‘Content Writers’ is one of the best ever Online part time job for students without investment from home. And trust me, after getting a little bit experienced, your earnings through this part time online jobs for students from home will go to moon.
So, What to write? Where to write? How we will be paid?
Do not worry, Let me inform you that, there are a lots of Facebook, telegram, whatsapp group available for content writers. Another way is, there are a lots of websites seeking for content writers. So, you just need to apply your brain and contact them. The value of an article of 2000 words can touch upto 100$ (=₹7100 apprx) easily. Yes, you listen the truth, amazing right?
Another best way to get content contract is Fiverr. Add yourself as a content writer for blog and website, and you will be automatically contacted. Demand for Each Content You write, is depend on yourself, you have to decide it. Interesting, right?
NB – We are also searching for article writter. If you are searching to be a article writter, you can join us. We are providing ₹150 – ₹5000 for an article of 1500 words according to the quality of article. Contact (email) us: .
6. Complete Daily Survey and Earn Money
One of the best part time online jobs for students without investment and 100% free registration is “Complete Survey & Earn”.
There are a lots of website available where anyone can register for FREE and earn money by completing very easy and simple survey daily. You can fill both long and short types survey in these websites.
Here is few best geniues survey filling website
- The Panel Station (Enter Refer code 354B92 to get 500 rewards)
- Opinion World
- SwagBucks
- ySense
- Real Research (Register to get 10$ rewards)
- Toluna Surveys (sign up to get 500)
All of these surveys Completing website are some of best part time online jobs for students from home. All these sites provide massive revenue for completing their surveys. From any parts of India, any Students can register in these survey completing sites for free.
7. Online Fiverr or Freelancer Work
Firstly, When I tried this for the first time, I found big unsuccessful.
Before, My focus was only on Money. I was running after money only. Which was a complete wrong way to earn money online as a part time job for students.
Remember, Money should not be the first thing, your work quality is first. And , if you care about your quality of work, it may be any work – writing, singing, designing, copy-pasting etc.. then, Fiverr is the best option as a Part Time Online Jobs for Students for YOU.
Fiverr is an website, where clients are searching for their works. You need to post your work information there, what you want to work. You can have the option to provide experience proof, for fasted engagement. Clients will check you and your work and contact your for project. You just have to complete the project as per given period and for which, you will be rewarded very high commission (upto $1000)
This is such a part time online jobs for students from home, by doing which, you will never be bored. Because, You will do the work, which is favourite to you. And, to work with our favourite work, usually, we never feel boring. Moreover, since you will get massive income along with it, so, it will encourage you to work instead.
In Fiverr, you can get works like data entry, copy pasting, translation, arts and designing, DTP etc..
8. Buy – Sell Domain and Earn
So, You are getting unique and different types of part time online jobs for students from this article comparing to other websites, Is not it?
But, this is real, genuine and Completely practical ways.
Firstly, you need to learn about these works, after that you can implement them. After learning and implementing, you will get unbelievable Revenue from it.
Now, What is domain?
Domain is the name along with extension of an website. For example, for our site, “” is a domain. Before creating any sites, this is compulsory and the very first thing to do.
From various websites like GoDaddy, Hostinger etc, we can purchase a domain name.
Now, the main thing is, after buying a domain name, it can never be bought by anyone again in the world. The price are very cheap starting from ₹25 only with respect to extensions such as .xyz, .com, .in etc.
And you know, companies, private and government education institute etc are being discovered everyday in a huge numbers. They all will search for their official Websites. Suppose, a company with name “ABC” has launched today and they search for “”. If you buy it before they do so, they can never. So, they will directly contact you now, and you can demand any amount for it (even 100 times).
Moreover, every domain has a Domain Authority according to google, if you buy expired domains (search on google) with high authority, after few days, you can sell it 100 times more than your buying price.
My Suggestion: I know, You are not able to capturing anything, if you are listening about domain name for the first time. So, do one thing, search on google or youtube about “domain Marketing” and learn about it. Learn about it first, and them start your work. This is one of the best part time online business types jobs for students from home with a little bit investment, which is negligible.
9. Be Part Time Online Seller
Another real and best part time online business types jobs for students from home.
May not be all students are interested, but few wants. It is also one of the bast online jobs for students from home without investment and free registration to the programs.
One of the best example for this types of part time jobs for students is Meesho App. Where, you can choose any product listed in the site and choose any selling price and can share it anywhere, like WhatsApp and Facebook groups etc. After completing the sales, you will be paid a good commission by Meesho and this kind of Website. Learn about it from YouTube.
Another paid way is – You can be a seller at Amazon, flipkart or any other shopping websites, without having any physical products with you. Yes, you are reading the truth.
You just need to have a business minded things. Actually, these types of marketing is know as P2 business. Here, you need to buy products in a huge amount from wholesalers and have to sell it online through shopping apps.
10. Online Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of my favourite niche as a part time online jobs for students from home without any investment.
Here, You need to generate affiliate selling links of any product from any sites and have to share it, or advertise it. After the generation of sales, you will be paid a good commission.
Affiliate marketing is now opened approximately by all online sellers and shopping applications. Amazon, flipkart have their own affiliate programs, where any Students can register Completely for free. Moreover, There are few sites available like Cuelinks, Earnkaro etc, through which anyone can generate affiliate links of any product from any shopping apps instantly from one a single place.
One of the best way to share them among people is social media. You can share affiliate links of any problems, at the time of discounted offer run, in Facebook and whatsapp group to generate instant sales. This can be a best part time online jobs for students from home. Firstly, learn more about it from internet.
Example for affiliate marketing blog posts: 5+ best Study Chair with Writing Pad for Students in India
11. Refer and Earn Strategies
A lots of Website and Smartphone Application are available in play store, in which their referral progams are running at anytime.
For example, Paytm UPI Referral Program, Google Pay Referral Program, PhonePe refer and earn ₹200 Referral Program etc are few examples. These are just a few examples. There are unlimited number of applications and Website available in the internet, which are running ‘refer and earn’ Champaign.
So just search them and keep sharing the links in social media groups.
Hidden Tricks: If you do not have any social media group, you can get unlimited number of Facebook, whatsapp or telegram group links with a huge number of members from Google – search it. So, join these groups and share your links, you will get GURRANTED referral counts.
12. Develope Apk Online & Earn
If you are thinking that, you must need to know how to develop an apk, or you need to know about coding, You are wrong dear students.
You do not need to know any coding, you do not need to know any other technical operations. In today’s life, you can develop any apk Completely for free without any coding from internet, just search in google and youtube. .
Now, which types of apk you should develop?
If you have any idea, go for it. Otherwise, One of my best Suggestion is – create pdf notes related apk. Today’s life is completely digital and students always search for their course pdf notes as pdf apk. So, firstly prepare few notes from various sources for any study courses, which should be a little bit popular course. After this, develop an apk for the notes online without applying any coding.
Search for develop apk without coding for free in google to access Websites to create your application with amazing drag and drop features.
Few apk creation site: appyourself , appsgeyser etc…
After this, list your apk (this may costs few money, otherwise free method are also available, search in youtube) in play store. Monetize your apk by Google Admob and start getting revenue.
13. Translate or Write ebook and List at Amazon
Another unique concept for you as one of the best part time online jobs for students from home without any investment.
In this digital world, everyone prefer to their work digitally. Many of Book readers are also want to read digital books in their hand tips using smartbook, tablet and dgital pads as an e-book. Aiming at this condition, company like Amazon already launched ebook marketing system like Amazon Kindle.
In Amazon Kindle, people search their favorite ebooks to read online. They buy it online. There are two benefits – first of all, they can read their favorite books anywhere in just finger tips using digital pads and second, it can be delivered to the buyer instantly within seconds through email.
So, If you have any idea to write PDF ebook, notes on various courses, then use for free time and prepare a ebook for the same and list it in Amazon. Another Suggestion is that: all readers want to read their favorite books in own language. So, you can collect popular books and you can translate them to your own language and list it in Amazon. But one important thing – the book that you are going to translate should be Copyright free.
So, Use you free moments to work as this part time online jobs for students from home and start earning knowledge as parallel to money.
15. Book Online Tickets, Recharge etc
This is one of the most favourite works preferred by many people who is doing Part Time online Jobs for Students.
There are many platforms available such as Paytm, FreeCharge where we can pay our monthly bill, electricity bills, rent bills, recharges etc. And almost all these platforms are giving huge cashback and discount offer of doing payments.
So, You need to pay bill, recharges for other and you will earn the cashbacks for the same. If we assume at least 5% cashback , which you can get easily in any platforms, then for doing ₹10,000 bills, you are getting ₹500. And obviously and easily you can get customers, even online to pay for ₹10,000 at least daily. So, this way, you can get ₹500 easily per day.
So, This method will take a little bit investment, but, you will get back your investment and cashback income instantly.
Conclusion for Online Jobs For Students
Dear students, we have listed only the best part time online jobs for students, maximum of which can give you long term money as well as knowledge and can provide good effect on your study.
Maximum of the online part time jobs for students from home without investment, that we have listed above are unique, as you can see.
Hope, you have enjoyed all the topics and hope you have found few exceptional concepts from this article. You have found few unknown topics through this article which you may not listen before, am I true?
First thing is, Learn all the strategies first. After which, you have to implement them. After implementation, you will start getting the results gradually. Maximum of the online jobs for students from home that we have listed above are for long term money income.
If you still have any confusion in any topic, want to ask questions, then feel free to comment below please. Also join our telegram channel to discuss about Online part time jobs for students from home by click below button:
Thanks for reading, please do share with your friends to help them to read a useful article… Thanks dear.
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