Online Education System – Its Benefits and How It can be Improved Further

In this modern world, Online Education System is one of the best gift from technologies. After just Covid -19 Lockdown 2020, it is seen that the potentiality of online education system hits a sudden popularity among us.

Essay Online Education System discussion Its Benefits and How It can be Improved Further

We have prepared this brief Article as many of our readers want to know about the Online Education and study System’s Benefits and How It can be Improved Further in our daily environment.

If anyone is searching for the best essay on “Online Education System – Its Benefits and How It can be Improved Further”, he/she can get an idea from here. So, without wasting our valuable moments by reading extra lines, let get started to the main points…

What is the main 4 Online Education System’s Benefits?

An online education and study system is a online teaching and learning process through various online connection platforms.

Essay on Online Education System Its Benefits and How It can be Improved Further

It is one of the very best methods for teaching and learning with many advantages, but few disadvantages as well.

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1. Teach & Learn From Anywhere

In online education and study system, a teacher can teach from anywhere, and can share his knowledge with millions of students all over the world in a single moment – which is the No.1 benefits of it. And this can not be done in offline teaching classes. Because, offline teaching mode is limited only for few students under a classroom only. For an online class, there is no any classroom required.

2. Teach and Learn at Anytime

An online teaching class can be conducted at anytime – at night, in the early morning, evening, afternoon. In one word – an online educational system can be conduct at any time. This is one of the best advantages or benefits of online educational system.

3. Teach to Millions of Students Worldwide

We and our children’s often want to learn from a best teacher. It may be impossible for all students from any parts of the world. But, it can be easily made possible by taking the advantages of online education system.

Through Online Education System, a student can clear his confusions and queries that may comes in his/her lession, instantly by connecting to the teacher through online education system and can clear it in live classes.

A student, who may be unable to go to institutions, can easily use the online education system to learn his/her topics even from home. This means that , anyone can teach and learn at anytime in online education system.

4. Instant Confusion Clearance for Students from Anywhere

In online education system, as like as offline class, a student can reply online for his/her query to clear it in the same time.

In addition to his, since anyone from anywhere can join a online class, so when a smart Students ask for his query, the rest other students, who is taking the class, can also understood everything additionally and clearly.

In this way, These are a lots of amazing and really good benefits of online education system comparing to daily regular classes , if we examine it directly.

But, but the main issue is that, along with these benefits of online education system or Online classes, there are also few very bad disadvantages. So, we can minimize those issues to improve online education system further. And, this is only possible when we can recognize these issue’s and develop a proper Solutions for it.

That is why, let us recognize the disadvantages or errors that may often appear when we start Online education system for any region. After knowing the issue, we will try to develop ideas, how we can minimise them and make a huge improvement of online education system easily.

3 Main Disadvantages and Errors of Online Education System and their Solutions

Here is the 3 main disadvantages and errors of online education system –

disadvantages of online study system and Online coaching classes

1. Unavailability of Internet Networks

We are living in a digital world. But, most mentionable is that, still, there are a lots of villages and rural areas, where the digital system is even Completely not available. And, we often see that, from these areas few very meritorious students are coming out.

Still, there are a lots of region available in our country, where we even cannot access to internet, due to very poor mobile network connection or unavailability of networks.  So, in such a region it is impossible to introduce online educational system.

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Solutions for How online educational system can be Improved Further in such region

To implement a proper online educational system in such region, we must have to develop the telecom internet network at first. We need to focus our village and rural areas to improve telecom network communication. After developing a proper and high telecom internet communication in every part of our country, online education system will take a very highly integrated and developed system for teaching and leaning processes.

2. Unavailability of Digital Gadgets With Students

We have several poor families in our society, who can not afford even electricity connection. So, they obviously can not buy a digital gadgets for their child for online classes. On the other hand, we often see that, from these poor families, very meritorious students are coming out.

Indirectly we can say that, those students from poor families who are very meritorious, fail to take the advantages and benefits of online educational system.

Solutions for How online educational system can be Improved Further for these students

Before introducing the ecosystem of Online education system in any region, department should make sure that, every single students in that region have their own digital gadgets. For this, government or the concern authority should offer free digital gadgets to the poor families, so that everyone from any family can take part into such Online live classes.

In various locations of rural and village areas of our country, NGO and local parties along with government also, already started distributing free tablet, free laptop to the poor family students.

So, if we can distribute digital gadgets to all poor family students, then the online educational system will be the best and brilliant idea to develop our education system.

3. Access bad Contents & Waste of Time for Few Students

There are few stupid students exists, who will start browsing unnecessary and bad contents in the internet instead taking Online classes after getting a digital devices. It is often common and also very dangerous for students.

Mobile and unnecessary video gaming addiction for students, is a big issue. Which may couse health and mind problems ahead. Accessing bad contents may effect their health.


How Online education system can be Improved Further by Elementing this issue:

This problem, or we can say a big error of online education system, that can also be solved easily.

The only person who can solve these issues, is the student’s parents. All guardian should be aware, should be alert. And, must try to be present while taking online classes with the students.

Another solutions is that, government should ban all bad Websites, which may attract students and harmful for Students. Already government has announced this project and is being implemented also. That is fine.

Otherwise, their digital device should be one, where a operating system run, which allow students only to access educational data, educational apps and Online classes.

Conclusion for Online Education System Improvement Tips

So, we have learnt that, Online education system is one of the best and most acceptable idea in modern classes development. But, due to few errors and Disadvantages, it is not being implemented in many regions as mentioned like above.

In any way, if we take care about our poor connectivity regions and poor families, online education system will take part a main project for Complete development of our educational system.

Some Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Online Education System – Its Benefits and How It can be Improved Further?

Answer: An online education system is an online teaching learning system from anywhere at anytime among millions of students in just one moments. Which are few major benefits of Online educational system.

What is online education system?

Answer: An online education system is an online teaching learning system from anywhere at anytime among millions of students in just one moments.

What are the Disadvantages of Online Education System?

Answer: Three major Disadvantages:

  1. Poor Internet Network in Village Areas
  2. Unavailability of Digital Gadgets
  3. Accessing Bad Contents & Waste of Time


Sudarshan Das is a young blogger from Assam (India). He likes to write blog posts on Various education info, solutions, study object, experimental notes etc in his website

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