[Shortcut] Distance between two stations A and B is 778km A train covers the journey from A to B at 84 km

Q. Distance between two stations A and B is 778km. A train covers the journey from A to B at 84 km per hour and returns back to A with a uniform speed of 56 km per hour. Find the average speed of train during the whole journey.

(a) 69.0 km/h

(b) 67.0 km/h

(c) 69.2 km/h

(d) 67.2 km/h

[In hindi : दो स्टेशनों x ओर y के बीच की दूरी 778 किलोमीटर है एक रेलगाड़ी x ओर y तक कि दूरी 84 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा की चाल से तथा वापसी की यात्रा 56 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा की चाल से तय करती है पूरी यात्रा के लिए रेलगाडी की औसत चाल किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा में ज्ञात कीजिए​ ]

Answer: (d) 67.2 km/h


(Shortcut Method Given Below Next)

Here, time taken from A to B is

= Distance/speed

= 778/84 hour

time taken from B to A is

= 778/56 hour (same formula)

So, Total Timing = 778/84 + 778/56

= 778 ( 1/84 + 1/56 )

Total Distance = 2 × 778 (Journey and Back Journey)

So, Average Speed

= total Distance / total timing

= 2 × 778 / 778(1/84 + 1/56)

= 2 × 84 × 56 / (56 + 84)

= 67.2 km/h

Shortcut Method:

If two different speed x and y covering the same distances are given, then to find the average speed, just use this formula:

Average Speed = 2xy / (x + y)

Here, x = 84 and y = 56

So, Average Speed = 2 × 84 × 56 / (84 + 56)

= 67.2 km/h


Related Questions and Solutions to ” distance between two stations A and B

Q. The distance between two stations A and B is 250 km. two trains starts simultaneously from A and B in opposite directions. the distance between them after 2.5 hrs is 25 km. if the speed of one train is 10 km/hr more then other .find the speed of each train


Total Distance = 250 km

After 2.5 hours = (250 – 25) = 225 km

Let, speed of slower train = x

Speed of speedy train = x + 10

So, Distance Traveled by the train in 2.5 hours = 2.5x + 2.5(x + 10)

=> 225 = 2.5x + 2.5x + 25

=> 225 – 25 = 5x

=> 200 = 5x

=> x = 40 km/h

And x + 10 = 50 km/h

So, Speed of the trains are 40 km/h and 50 km/h. 

Q. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 8 and 24 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty it in 12 hours. If the three pipes are opened together, then the tank will be fill in

(a) 18 hours

(b) 6 hours

(c) 12 hours

(d) 24 hours


This question is already taken in ASSAM SECRETARIAT JUNIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 2013, SSC GD, UPSC PSC, RRB SSC CHSL CGL MTS , Police Constable and more exams…

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Distance between two stations A and B is 778km. A train covers the journey from A to B at 84 km per hour and returns back to A with a uniform speed of 56 km per hour. Find the average speed of train during the whole journey.

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Answer is same for ” Distance between two stations X and Y is 778km. A train covers the journey from X to Y at 84 km per hour and returns back to X with a uniform speed of 56 km per hour. Find the average speed of train during the whole journey. “

Few More Words on ” Distance between two stations X and Y is 778km …”

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This question Distance between two stations X and Y is 778km … is a very common questions in most of the competative examinations from few years. The question is taken from class 9th science book. From NCERT provided CLASS 9 GENERAL SCIENCE and from the content Physics, this particular question is taken and is very popular among us.

Why the question Distance between two stations X and Y is 778km is important?

This question is from high school or 10th standard science. Which is also known as Elementary Science Content. And it is a common lesson for ongoing competative exams and interviews.

In hindi : दो स्टेशनों x ओर y के बीच की दूरी 778 किलोमीटर है एक रेलगाड़ी x ओर y तक कि दूरी 84 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा की चाल से तथा वापसी की यात्रा 56 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा की चाल से तय करती है पूरी यात्रा के लिए रेलगाडी की औसत चाल किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा में ज्ञात कीजिए

We want to enclosed that, this particular question Distance between two stations X and Y is 778km is already taken many times in almost all departmental interview exams from state regional level to National levels.

Basically it was taken in APSC, UPSC, PSC, SSC , RRB or Railway NTPC and Group D, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS Multi Tasking Services, SSC CGL, SSC GD general duty, State level exams such as PNRD, SOIL CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT, SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT JUNIOR AND SENIOR, POST OFFICE VACANCY etc etc..

Distance between two stations A and B is 778km. A train covers the journey from A to B at 84 km per hour and returns back to A with a uniform speed of 56 km per hour. Find the average speed of train during the whole journey.

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Sudarshan Das is a young blogger from Assam (India). He likes to write blog posts on Various education info, solutions, study object, experimental notes etc in his website www.estudynow.com

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